domingo, 23 de noviembre de 2008

Ko Wai, Nang Rong i Surin

Hola a tots! We are finally in contact at an internet cafe here in Surin. Over the past few days we have traveled to a paradise island called Koh Wai in the Gulf of Thailand. We slept in a bungalow next to the beach and went swimming and snorkeling and walking in the jungle. Jaume got to climb his first coconut palm, break open the coconut, and drink coconut juice right there next to the tree. There was nothing on the island but a few bungalows and a few restaurants so we had nothing to do except disconnect from the world.

Vista de l'illa de Ko Wai. Just davant del nostre Bungalow
"Columpios" a la platja...

Sunset point. After a 10 min. walk to the other side of the island.

Embarcadero. Punt d'arribada i de partida

Estudiant la biblia. Lonely Planet

El nostre petit bungalow

i tela...mosquitera

Then, after 5 changes of forms of transportation (frm 11 in the morning to 1.30 at night), we arrived in Nang Rong and met a wonderful Catalan/Italian couple whom we went with on motorbikes visiting some pretty amazing Kmer temples - they say they are similar style to Angkor Wat.

Arrenca moto!

This morning we came to Surin - which is the farthest East we will reach on our trip. We got to see the tail end of an elephant festival and wander through markets full of amazing things. This part of Thailand supposedly gets a large part of its protein from eating bugs! Of course we had to try some...well I tried one.

glups. mes info down below
Festival dels elefants a Surin
night market - Surin

Tonight we have an overnight bus trip in store and will arrive tomorrow morning in Nong Kai. Right on the Mekong River and across the river from Vientiane, the capital of Laos. Hopefully we will have more internet access very soon and can post some more pictures. All is well and no weird stomach ailments yet! We are loving the people here and working our smile muscles all day long.

4 comentarios:

olga dijo...

debbie, has aconseguit portar en jaume a l'illa! i... jaume, has aconseguit portar a la debbie a la jungla!
jejeje! disfruteu moltíssim!!!! molts petons,


pd. 'lametazo' d'en fosc!!! ;)

Gigi dijo...

no entenc l'anglès :P

Hugs and kisses!!!!!!!

Linda dijo...

Yum--crunchy bugs! Your pictures of the beach and the ruins are amazing. We can't wait to read about what you do next. We love you!

Linda & Robert

Toni dijo...

Bones parella !

Vigila Jaume que això segur que dona positiu!
Aki fem uns entrenos 2-3 setmana menu amb David i res de bici!!! T'esperem i t'anyorem ! per sprintar-te jijiji

Disfruteu molt !!!